REPS Resource develops publication systems tailored to our customers’ needs. From electronic routers to interactive manuals with links to large volume references, we will customize the best system for your business.

REPS Electronic Document Management System
REPS EDMS simplifies the maintenance of publications. This web-based system can link multiple documents to provide quick navigation and searching with a high level of automation. Updates will be faster and more accurate, saving time and money.
Key Features
- Advanced Searching Capabilities
- Link Reference Materials and other Important Documentation
- Interactive Visual Aids
- Web-Based System that can be Accessed Globally
- Multi-Platform Capable
Advanced Security
- Controlled Revision and Editing Access
- Database and File Encryption
- Proprietary Information Statement on all Printed Documents
- Controlled Access to Content within Publications

Interactive Routers
Our shop routing system gives the tools to track parts, productivity, and work orders. With this system, you will be receiving live reporting and metrics on each task your company performs.
Key Features
- Real-Time Data
- Work Orders and Reports
- Tool Tracking / Calibration Tracking
- Barcode Tracking of Parts and Tool Locations
Potential Platforms
- Apps Available for Tablets and Phones
- iOS, Android, and Windows / Mac PC
- Compatible with 2D Barcode Scanner

Revision Control Systems
REPS Resource has an electronic system dedicated to making publication revision fast and simple, with minimal work required by our customers.
Key Features
- User-Friendly Request Change Process
- Email Notifications
- Track Revision Process
- Provide Status Updates
Additional Benefits
- Accountability for all Changes
- Reports on Turn Around Time and Trends
- Standardized Path from Request to Input to Reissue
- Reports for all Changes in a Given Time Frame